Visit To The Doctors

So many people are ill at the moment. With their weaker immune systems, it is inevitable that our children are going to pick up whatever is going around. So many of my friend’s kids have had viruses- including the horrible norovirous giving them a week’s worth of diarrhoea and a couple of days of projectile vomiting.

Fortunately, Mrs T has had nothing like that (yet). I took her to the doctors because she has had a cough now for over a week and it was starting to get worse. She has also had a sniffy, stuffed up nose which is particularly noticeable at night.

The cough sounds like she is trying to get a load of phlegm out but obviously can’t bring it up like we can.

Anyway, the poor thing has been waking herself up at night with it and last night had a huge coughing fit which lasted for ages. I felt pretty helpless – all I could was comfort her, feed her and give her some Calpol.

According to my GP it isn’t a chest infection (phew), instead, it is all in the throat. Nothing to prescribe. Just Calpol. She said the phlegm thing isn’t too much to worry about – basically, they can deal with it.

She has been a bit better. Hopefully tonight we will both get a good night’s sleep….

Update: She lasted until 5.30 but was then up for an hour again. We’re getting there!


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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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