My Travel Wish List 2018

The new year has arrived which means there’s 12 more months to fill with travel and adventures. Last year we visited six different countries, including one new one. We already have a few trips in the diary for 2018, including one to Mexico (can’t wait) but I wanted to set out some of the other places on our wish list for this year.


Last year saw us tick some London attractions on my 2017 wish list. There was the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden and the Science Museum. After buying annual membership to Kew Gardens we’ve enjoyed seeing it change throughout the seasons and going when we wish. We will be visiting more in 2018.

The Cutty Sark in Greenwich still needs to be crossed off our list though so that’s one for 2018 as well as the London Wetland Centre in Barnes. I’d like to visit the Postal Museum too. A tour of parliament failed to emerge last year either. With my daughter asking more questions about Big Ben and its building then perhaps she’s ready to check it out. I think she will appreciate the Tower of London now she’s a bit older too.

Tower of London, London

Top of my London list though is the London Eye – I have to visit this year! A look inside St Paul’s needs to be done too. We were recently in the area for my birthday and I am embarrassed to admit I’ve never seen the interior!

Rest of the U.K.

Although we had trips up to see family in Yorkshire, we didn’t get to explore a lot of the U.K last year. I went up to Scotland but it was only a flying visit for a business conference.

We did go to the south coast as a family to visit the brilliant Portsmouth Historic Dockyard though. Closer to home, Surrey’s Wisley Gardens provided a number of summer trips including one during its Famous Five trail.

This year I’d like to finally take that trip to Devon. We have a few friends living down there and I read about so many great aspects of the region from local blogger, Tinbox Traveller. We also failed to visit Brighton too so that’s another priority this year with a trip up its i360 Observation Tower.

Brighton Pier


We have another skiing trip to Morzine booked for half term – this time with some of my family. This season is shaping up well after several years of poor snowfall at the beginning. On New Year’s Day we built a snowman!

Snowman in Morzine

In March, I head to Tuscany with a group of other family travel bloggers. Organised by Bookings For You, we’re staying at the luxury villa, Country Relais and Spa Le Capanne, where we will be looked after by the Giovanni family. The villa looks amazing and after a sneak peak at the menu for the three days, we’re in for a gourmet treat! I can’t wait!!

As a family, we’ll be returning to the Dordogne region of France this summer – with our big group of friends again. My highly efficient husband has already booked us  accommodation for two nights in Bordeaux. We didn’t get there last year so I am looking forward to discovering what the city has to offer.

During our week at the farmhouse, we’ll continue to explore the local area and its vineyards, chateaux and towns.

The Dordogne river, France

After France we go straight to Mallorca for our annual extended family holiday. Last year we loved discovering some of Mallorca’s local beaches on the southern coast. This year a trip to the city Palma is high on my list as well as seeking out more local hotspots. Perhaps we’ll head to Formentor on the northern tip of the island.

I can’t quite believe how early we’ve booked our summer excursions but we still have another 5 weeks of summer holiday to play with…

Iceland is high on my wish list (and my daughter’s) while I’d like to go to Vienna this year (I’ve never visited Austria) or Spain’s Seville (one I failed to tick off last year). Once again, Finland is also a wish list destination. Christmas initiated requests from my daughter to go to Lapland. How cool would that be? I’d love to see the Northern Lights.

Finland, Aurora Borealis: Pixabay
The Northern Lights in Finland

After reading so much about Ljubljana, I quite fancy a journey to Slovenia and there are plenty of other places in Eastern Europe I’d like to explore such as Warsaw and the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi – one of National Geographic’s top picks for 2018. Of course, Croatia is still very much on the list too.

The World

Our big overseas trip this Easter sees us travelling to Mexico. We’ve never been before so it will be a completely new experience. We fly to Mexico City where we’ll be staying for a few days and then travel to a few cities including San Miguel de Allane and Guanajuato. It’s then off to the Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula to Los Cabos for some beach time.

Los Cabos, Mexico
Los Cabos, Mexico


From Mexico we fly to LA. Can you believe I’ve never been (I’m not counting a few hours in transit at its airport)? I’ve attempted to go twice before but it hasn’t quite worked out.

Many people I speak to are a little disparaging about the sprawling city but it has always been a dream destination for me. Perhaps I’m looking at it through Hollywood’s rose-tinted glasses – but I think I’ll love it. Of course, I’m fully prepared if I don’t. With local knowledge from blogger Hilary Style, I hoping to discover glimpses of the real LA underneath the tourist hotspots. Are you a fan of LA?

Hollywood Sign, Los Angeles: Pixabay

We may squeeze in a trip to Disneyland California although with only four nights there it’s slipping down the priority list. Instead, maybe we’ll get a Disney fix closer to home at Disneyland Paris as it celebrates its 25th anniversary. From Los Angeles I’m flying to Las Vegas for a business conference. Another place I’ve never been before so I can not wait to visit!!

After the Americas jaunt, I’m not sure we’ll get the opportunity to venture further than Europe for the rest of the year – but who knows! There’s plenty of time for inspiration to strike or spontaneous trips to appear!

Where are you most looking forward to visiting this year? Have you got more suggestions for me?

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Travel Wish List 2018, Wander Mum Family Travel Blogger

Oregon Girl Around the World


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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

  1. If you can, Vienna at Christmas time is incredible. The holiday lights there are so festive! It *was* cold though. We went in April and December of the same year, and both trips were good…. I think we still have more to explore, but I did love the city at Christmas time. One of my friends just got back from Iceland and they saw the northern lights while they were there. I was definitely jealous. The bartender at the hotel bar mentioned that it was happening and the girls shuffled out in bathrobes and slippers, lol!
    Sara recently posted…Romantic Getaway to Venice, Italy – All You Need to KnowMy Profile

    1. Hey Sara, that’s a good idea to go at to Vienna at Christmas. Sounds magical. Wow, very jealous of your friends who saw the Northern Lights in Iceland…in their slippers too…hehehe

  2. I’m so amazed that you already have a number of trips planned. I have none! I tend to hop on cheap flights when they come up so I’m waiting to see if any flight deals to places on my wish list pop up! I am one of the ones who like LA, but at the same time I am not a fan of the traffic situation they have over there. It’s such a great place for eating though!
    Bryna | Dotted Line Travels recently posted…Temples of Angkor: Banteay SreiMy Profile

    1. Oooh is it? I’ll look forward to the food then I love that spontaneity you have. My husband is a big planner so I can’t take credit. Yup, the traffic situation does sound bad so not looking forward to that!

  3. Thank you for the shoutout!! I do hope you enjoy your visit to LA, yes it’s sprawling, but I think you’ll find that each neighborhood has its own charm and individual feel. I am a huge fan of Disneyland, but with only 4 days in town I suggest checking out Disney Paris instead, and spending your time elsewhere while here. The rest of your travels and wishes for the year all sound wonderful, and I look forward to reading all about them! I hear great things about Bordeaux, and it’s on my own personal wish list… #farawayfiles
    Hilary recently posted…WB Studios London: The Making of Harry PotterMy Profile

  4. Wow, lots of travels planned! We’re off to Mallorca this year too and also have a short trip booked to Ghent over half term. I think we have similar ambitions for London – I want to visit the Postal Museum and have never been on the London Eye. As for LA, I had a great holiday on the west coast several years ago but to be honest I preferred the areas outside of the city. #farawayfiles
    Christine recently posted…Walking the South Downs Way with children: part 4 Lewes to EastbourneMy Profile

    1. Have fun in Mallorca! I’ve never been to Ghent so look forward to hearing about your trip. I’d definitely like to explore more of California outside of LA!

  5. Good lord, Elizabeth, I can’t believe how much of your travel plans are already arranged for the year! We’ve just got one small UK trip planned so far. St Paul’s Cathedral is on my London wishlist too this year. Hope you have a fabulous year of travels. Thanks for sharing on #FarawayFiles

  6. Sounds like you have some amazing places lined up! Quite jealous of your bloggers retreat to Tuscany – Tuscany is one of my favorite places on the planet. I too am wanting to go to Iceland as well as Bordeaux. Love that you have so many trips with family and friends planned…we tend to be the same way and plan lots of travels with both friends and family. Thanks for linking up with #farawayfiles
    Corey | fifi + hop recently posted…Faraway Files #62My Profile

  7. Wow, Vegas, what a place for a work conference! All your plans sound like a lot of fun, and I’m impressed you’re so well planned out already. I’m scrambling this year, partly due to the visa situation and partly because I just haven’t been very organised (oops). This has inspired me though, I’m going to go and start making some lists.

    I’m particularly interested in your Mexico trip, I always wanted to go but have never managed it. And there are no direct flights from Australia… My husband has been keen to go to Georgia forever, I think he will get his way one day. As for extra recommendations, I’d go for Riga. Stay in the new town (it’s not so new) for gorgeous architecture and fewer stag groups 😉
    Rachel recently posted…Expat update: Month 9My Profile

  8. Wow, what a year you have planned! We sneaked in Seville as part of our summer holiday to the Costa de la Luz last year. On my blog I wrote about the successes with the kids, especially the Alcatraz. I grew up going to Austria and Vienna is magical, as is Salzburg (smaller, in the mountains, a castle on a hill, Sound of Music). Interested to read about your Mexican trip. I’ve been to Baja, Mexico City and San Cristobal de las Casas – all fantastic! We’ll be travelling there with our kids as part of our ‘grand adventure in 2 years’ so will be good to hear your experiences from a family travel perspective.

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Wander Mum
Tower of London, London
Brighton Pier
Snowman in Morzine
The Dordogne river, France
Finland, Aurora Borealis: Pixabay
Los Cabos, Mexico
Hollywood Sign, Los Angeles: Pixabay
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