“I loved it when they sang the muddy puddles song”, my five-year-old daughter told me excitedly, when I asked about her favourite part in Peppa Pig’s Adventure. For someone who claims she’s ‘too old for Peppa Pig’, she clearly enjoyed the Peppa Pig live show.
I suspected that would be the case. When I mooted the idea of Cheeky and I going to the theatre without her, she whined and said in her sad voice “but I want to go too”.
It was Cheeky’s 2nd birthday and it seemed a perfect way to spend it: watching some of her favourite characters sing, dance and, of course, jump in muddy puddles.
The performance at Richmond Theatre was all about Peppa and friend’s camping trip. It started with a human girl called Daisy looking for Peppa and her friends. Hiding (badly) from Daisy they gradually came on stage much to the delight of the children in the audience. Gerald Giraffe, Suzy Sheep and Pedro Pony were all there and then Peppa and George themselves appeared.

The animal puppets of Peppa and her friends are moved by actors wearing black who blend in with the action. The adult characters are actors in suits. The show bounces along with plenty of songs, snorts and silliness.
They start at Madame Gazelle’s school before setting off on the bus to go camping.
There is a short interval. Enough time to grab an ice-cream, go to the toilet (if required) and wave around the light up Peppa Pig windmill I was persuaded to buy (£9).
As the second act began, Mrs T giggled with excitement, the way only a five year old can do. Cheeky paused her ice cream eating, her eyes fixated on the stage, repeating “Peppa Pig”.
The camping trip involved a picnic, ducks, a campfire and some songs about team work (another one my daughter loved).

My favourite part was the night time scene where owls, fireflies and bats were ‘flown’ into the air accompanied by appropriate music. The bats got a rock-style theme as they swooped into the front rows of the audience.
Mirroring the end of almost every Peppa Pig episode, the finale involved jumping in muddy puddles. As the song went on, I could hear squeals of delight. Some people were getting wet as staff armed with super soakers sprayed the audience with water!
You won’t find multi-layed storylines in Peppa Pig’s Adventure but that didn’t phase the young audience. My two girls loved it. Cheeky stared, transfixed, throughout the show. Mrs T was more animated, joining in when required (there’s plenty of audience participation). She danced, sang along to the songs and squealed with delight. Seeing them have so much fun made me very happy indeed.
The show may have finished but our theatre visit wasn’t yet over. As a special treat, we got to meet the Pig family!
They came on stage to say hello and have a quick chat to us. They divulged that they were going home to have pizza! We met Daisy too and got a photo. What a way to round off a two year olds’ birthday!
Have you see Peppa Pig live on stage before?
* We were given complimentary tickets and meet and greet with Peppa Pig in return for an honest review.
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Hi Elizabeth,
Thank you for you very informative and honest review, Being a full time Children’s Entertainer I am always looking for relative content to share with my clients and parents on my Facebook page.
I will definitely be sharing your blog review with all my clients.
Thank you very much Scott.