I had such a wonderful surprise this week. In fact I can hardly believe it! This blog has been shortlisted for a Britmums Brilliance in Blogging award (a BiB)! I am absolutely chuffed to bits and so honoured to be recognised alongside all the other fantastic bloggers out there.
I started this blog almost a year and a half ago as a way to help me cope with motherhood and its various challenges. But one of my main aims was to help inspire other mums and prove that life, going out and travelling doesn’t completely stop when you have children (it is just a little bit different). I hope my experiences travelling with a little one in tow and the advice and tips I have shared have managed to inform and inspire. If my place on this shortlist is in some way a recognition of that, it makes me immensely happy!
Since going back to work in September I haven’t managed to spend nearly as much time writing as I would have liked. In fact, I have a back catalogue of many unfinished posts and my head is full of ideas for new ones. This nomination has made me realise I need to get my butt in gear and get them all out in the open!
A massive thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all your support and please help me further by voting so I can be a finalist. That would be truly amazing! You can vote here.