No Longer A Baby

There has been a momentous event in our household this week. One which even puts Cal’s efforts at tackling two dirty nappies, in one day, ALL ON HIS OWN, firmly in the shade.

As hubby attempted to dress Mrs T in one of her babygrows (one of his few attempts at selecting her clothes for the day) he discovered that no matter how hard he tried to stuff her legs into the material they remained bent.

Yes, at five and a half months old*, Mrs T has finally grown out of her 0-3 month old babygrows** and is now in 3-6! I feel it is a bit of a rite of passage for my little munchkin, and must therefore accept that she is no longer a baby- she is growing up – a visual indication that time is passing.

But if she is not a baby any more, then what is she? She isn’t old enough to be classed as a toddler and to be classed as a ‘tot’ I feel she needs to be ‘tottering’ around in some way.

There needs to be a word to describe the stage when they are too old to be called a baby and too young to be a toddler (as far as I am aware there isn’t one – correct me if I am wrong).

After a short discussion*** with the hubby to pass time as we drive up north to see the in-laws, we came up with a very imaginative conclusion and can hereby coin the word ‘TABY’! What do you think? It’s a little like ‘Speidi’ without the bad attitude, plastic surgery and ability to have much of the nation dislike them at the same time as being deeply fascinated by them.

Do you think? Is ‘taby’ going to catch on?

* She is steadily following the 2nd percentile on those all important weight charts – so she basically is basically tiny, like me.
** I am still able to get a few more weeks out of her jeggings from those stores with more generous sizing policies.
*** Lasting approximately 30 seconds

Mrs T in her ‘up to 3 months’ pink jeggings


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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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