I recently did something I’d never done before. I went abroad – for a whole weekend – WITHOUT my daughter. Four whole days away from my family! Three nights of not having to worry about the early morning “MUMMY” call. It was bliss to get some ‘me’ time, spend a few days with my best mate, Emma, and explore Istanbul.

As I kissed my two-year-old daughter, Mrs T, goodbye and set off to check in, it struck me how little I was carrying. I had a moderately sized suitcase in which I’d managed to stuff two pairs of trainers, heels and two pairs of flip flops (neither of which got worn) and a TEENY handbag to carry on. It felt amazing. In fact, I kept thinking I had forgotten something or lost a bag along the way.
There was no rucksack packed with toys, clothes, kids magazines, endless snacks and wet wipes. No daughter to carry when she got fed up of walking to the gate. And no husband either. I could shop, get a leisurely breakfast, breeze through security and board the flight without any stress.
Then there was the four-hour flight – all to myself. Any parent knows how precious time on their own is – so I soaked it up and enjoyed it. No two year old to keep amused, no iPads, toys or snacks to dish out. No trips to the toilet or whining that she doesn’t want to wear a seatbelt. And no wifi either. Instead, I had a book, newspaper, magazines, oh, and gin – of course!
Not having my little travel buddy next to me felt a bit weird. After all, she has been on every flight with me since she was nine weeks old. But I relished the opportunity to have some time to myself.
After a hair-raising taxi journey from the airport (I’m so glad the rest of my family weren’t in the cab with me), I met my friend and embarked on a girlie weekend.

It felt incredibly liberating and although I missed Mrs T, I made the most of the holiday and the all important ‘me’ time. Sometimes us Mums don’t do that enough. My hubby has been away far more than I have, from stag dos to work trips and lads nights out.
Being a mum can be all consuming and it is only when you have some distance from your children that you can really relax and rediscover a bit more about the person you were before you become a mum. Sure, you’re essentially the same but being able to free your mind from the worries of a little person can bring out qualities you may have forgotten about. Plus, being with my old school mate, Emma, transported me back to my youth. It helped that I knew Mrs T was in very safe hands up in Yorkshire with her daddy and grandparents.

Istanbul is a fascinating city. When walking up and down the steep, cobbled streets and wandering around the many sights of the ancient city, I was glad I didn’t have a toddler slowing us down. In fact, it would have taken us far longer to see the sights. Our 13km walk would have been impossible with a little one in tow.

There were also no restrictions on getting back for naps and bedtime. We could go for a leisurely lunch in between sight-seeing and I could actually go out in the evening – without a babysitter – AND stay out late (midnight is late, right?). I don’t go dancing very often these days so it was fab to throw a few shapes at a rooftop bar one night.
On our first night we went for a lovely posh meal (complete with wine tasting menu) and on the last night we stayed in with this little number which I picked up at duty free.
The majority of Istanbul’s most famous sights are clustered close together. In one day we managed to tackle The Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace. They were a marvel to wander around, so opulent and intricate, with bags of history attached. I doubt we would have been able to explore them in quite as much detail if my daughter had been with us (2 year olds aren’t known for their patience)!

We also had the chance to do a bit of shopping at the Grand Bazaar. It would have bored my daughter, especially with Emma’s rather drawn out haggling. No doubt I’d have spent most of the time chasing her around the alleyways inside this huge, ancient market.

It was fantastic to have some time away with my best mate. I did miss Mrs T a little and when we were seeing the sights I wondered what she would make of Istanbul and what impression her blonde, curly locks would have had on the city’s inhabitants.

But, I confess, I didn’t miss her quite as much as I thought I would. We kept very busy, and to be honest, I didn’t have a lot of time to reflect. It was, of course, amazing to come back and see her. It made me appreciate my family even more. I recommend every mum gets away every now and then for a child-free weekend with friends – or even on their own. ‘Me’ time is very precious and an important part of self-rediscovery (I may have just made that word up)! The first morning back home after three nights away, I was very grateful to hear my name hollered up the stairs. “MUMMY!!!”
What a great destination to choose for your first time away from your baby. I love Istanbul and I you obviously appreciated it far more without a tired toddler in tow. I’m quite jealous! #mondayescapes
Phoebe @ Lou Messugo recently posted…Silent Sunday – 14 June 2015
It’s a brilliant city, isn’t it? We definitely covered more ground without the little one. Xx
Wow! This looks like an amazing weekend. I love Istanbul – I lived there for three years before I met my now (British) husband there but we haven’t been back since kids. Your gorgeous photos made me really miss it. It’s so nice this time of year! #TravelTales
Erin @Yorkshiretots recently posted…10 for the Weekend – West Yorkshire Family Events June 20 & 21
Oh wow! What a great city to live in for so long! Lucky you. It was fab – although we did get a bit of torrential rain- which I wasn’t expecting!! Xx
Sounds like a fabulous weekend. I so agree that we all need some pure ‘me’ time. Unfortunately I haven’t been great at doing this but I know I need to and this is the perfect reminder. Istanbul is high up on my list if places to visit and it’s so close too – may even go later this year.
Nomita | Ebabee recently posted…Free printable Father’s Day mustache cards
Istanbul was somewhere I had always wanted to go too. Definitely recommend! It can be hard to get away for some ‘me’ time and leave the kids but is so worth it. Xx
Oh how wonderful to go on a girls weekend – with no kids.
And on top of that to explore such a lovely city.
I know – it was such a treat! Xx
Amazing , congratulations.
I’m doing the same in about 2 months ;))))
Oh yay! Exciting! Where are you going? Xx
Awwwwnn I loved the end 😀
Oh my, you made me scared of how my travels will be after having a child… the “me” certainly is important, and I guess it makes you realize how much your life and your travels have changed after having a child. Very interesting to read this post of yours!
Istanbul is an awesome city, I went there last years and I loved it… so many things to see and do. I would love to go back someday 😀
Thank you for linking up with #MondayEscapes once again!
Packing my Suitcase recently posted…Free things to do in Munich
Ah, thanks! Yes, things do change a bit when you have children in tow but it also makes it exciting to share the experience together. Thanks for hosting #mondayescapes
What a great place to choose for a child-free weekend – Istanbul is one of my favourite cities, and somewhere I’d love to take my two-year-old as well (when she’s older!). I had my first child-free weekend away last year to Granada, which was perfect for wandering non-buggy-friendly streets and sitting in cafes, and I’m planning another with a friend later this year… not sure where yet though. #mondayescapes
Cathy (MummyTravels) recently posted…A long weekend in Brixham, Devon
Ooooh exciting! It’s so liberating isn’t it. Would love to go to Granada and i’ll definitely be going back to Istanbul with hubby and daughter one day too. xx
I am a little bit jealous, a trip away sans kids sounds incredibly invigorating. I wonder if I just leave this story open for hubby to see …
Malinda @mybrownpaperpackages recently posted…Rome with Kids
Haha – you definitely should point it out to him…it’s very important to get away!! xx
I love Istanbul. I visited when childless but would love to go back with my kids as I’m sure they’d enjoy it. I’m rather jealous of you having a whole weekend away on your own though! #Mondayescapes
Christine recently posted…Campsite review: Denfurlong Farm campsite, near Chedworth, Gloucs
It was bliss Christine! It’s an amazing city, isn’t it. I’ll definitely have to go back with the family – maybe when my daughter is a bit older. Xx
I’ve recently been pondering whether or not I could do a few weekends away without the kids, you’ve now reaffirmed my thoughts that it’s okay to do so! Looks like you had a fantastic time. x
Yes! Do it! It was fab. Xx
Good for you! I’m always amazed at how light I feel when not lugging a heavy change bag…or baby. Hope I get to go and explore Istanbul sometime!
PS. OMG those curls!
Mama, My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows recently posted…Is Your Baby a Genius?
I know! It’s so liberating! The curls are crazy! Xx
Oh it looks absolutely fantastic and what a wonderful break for you. I went away on a press trip with Mark Warner last September with lots of other bloggers and had the most amazing time, it was lovely to have some ‘me’ time and to enjoy grown up conversation (and gin) and as you said – having that time away makes you grateful to get back to the family. Fab photos. Visiting from the #bestandworst linky.
Mama OWL Blog | Jooleroo recently posted…#MumBod Confidence | Week 24 Weight & Inch Loss Update
Thank you – it was a great trip and so special to get away without the family and have some ‘me’ time. But as you say – amazing to get back to them too. Xx
Oh wow!! This looks amazing!! And what a great place to go! I’ve been tempted so many times. Might have to do it now. #bestandworst
martyn recently posted…Introducing #blogstorm
Thanks Martyn! It’s fantastic – you must go! X
Oh I love Turkey! And child free is lovely. You could have never done what you wanted to do. I love flights alone now…I used to get bored but every minute is some free time. You took some cracking piccys as well. I’m off to Lyon with work in Sept so that will be my time for a little bit of peace. Sure I will miss my girlie too though! Thanks so much for linking up to #bestandworst and please pop back next week xxx
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…What’s Right for You – Mummascribbles
I know, flight time alone is brill. Have a great time in Lyon! It’s hard not to miss them but makes it extra special when you come back. Thanks for hosting #best and worst. x
Wow, this looks such a beautiful place to visit and child free too, wheeeee!!! Amazing. We had 5 days child free in NYC in 2013 it was fantastic to be able to be free to wander around and eat out and not have any tantrums getting in the way but we did miss him a lot. I have a night without children in a couple of weeks and I am really looking forward to it, perhaps too much……………thanks so much for linking up with the #bestandworst and hope to see you back next week.
Helen Gandy recently posted…Glossybox June 2015 – Review
Oh wow – NYC – I bet that was amazing! It’s so important to get a balance – you enjoy your night out! Exciting!! xx