First Pair Of Shoes!

Now Mrs T has finally decided to do more walking more than crawling, it was time to go and get her first pair of proper shoes! An exciting prospect, you might think, well, seemingly not for her. She has yet to appreciate the pleasure derived from shoe shopping.

Still, it is understandable. Last time we went to the shoe shop, her feet were a tiny size 2 and no shoes available to fit. This time though, her toes nudged into size 3 territory on the foot measure and there were actually shoes to fit her in stock. Well, ONE pair. She has the narrowest of feet (E width) so choice was limited BUT they are pink!


We went to trusty Clarks to purchase them and as she has just started to walk got ‘cruising’ shoes. At £24 they are on the pricey side (especially as we will be back in eight weeks no doubt buying a bigger pair) but worth it. They seem to have helped with her walking and she particularly likes walking outside and exploring the playground. In the car on the way home, she sat very quietly, inspecting this new accessory, attempting to undo the velcro on them.


first shoes

Although I had a rather grumpy toddler on my hands during the fitting of the shoes and subsequent photograph which Clarks do for free (I did an extra big smile to compensate), she seems to be very into her new shoes, although she likes to refer to them as ‘socks’.



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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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