Emerging From Hiberbation

It has been a pretty dull week in our household. After the dramatic hospital episode on Monday, we managed to get ourselves back from Amsterdam, the husband constantly feeling Mrs T’s head, fretting she was too hot while we both tried to put out of our minds visions of her having another fit at 35,000 feet. We made it back – phew.

Then, we ALL got ill.

Whatever Mrs T had, I pretty we got…some horrific virus giving us splitting headaches, no energy and a constant stream of snot. I have been out ONCE in the last FOUR days, cancelling TWO nights out! Unheard of! Safe to say this has been one hell of a virus that shifts slower than the builder working on our kitchen.

Yesterday I couldn’t even SPEAK. Thank goodness Cal felt slightly better and could amuse Mrs T. That has been the worst thing – feeling too ill to play with her. I feel for anyone who has been struck down with this particular illness.


It has felt like a huge cloud has been resting over our house for the past week (in fact I am pretty sure there has been such is the current April weather) but thankfully it looks as though we coming out of it. Mrs T’s temperature is finally down. I actually got dressed today- before 10am too! Cal went to see his oncologist and all is still well with him. And look, the sun is shining- hooray. Our kitchen is even taking shape. We were able to sit down at the table last night. It felt so civilised and made me realise how tough it has been living in only certain parts of our house. It was so great for Mrs T to sit in her highchair in the kitchen and chuck her food on the floor eat her food. Things are coming together!

Might even brave the outdoors later…


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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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