It decided to rain, all day, on my birthday. But not even a slightly dreary London could dampen my day which saw a bit of culture at the Tate Modern, some good food, drink, company and cake along the Southbank (where the views weren’t too bad either). I’ve detailed the day in my latest post linked to this week’s City Tripping.
Thank you to everyone who linked last week, we had so many fantastic posts. I thoroughly enjoyed reading them. Some of our favourites included.
7 Places To Go With Kids in 2017 – Jenography
One World Observatory: Complete Visitor’s Guide – Fifi and Hop
Hundertwasserhaus: Explosion of Color in Vienna – Tanama Tales
Bruges at Christmas – Dais Like These
This week the linky is over with Cathy at MummyTravels so pop over there to link up.
As well as sharing and commenting on your posts, we will also be pinning them on our City Tripping Pinterest board so if you need any more city inspiration, be sure to check it out and follow our Pinterest board featuring past posts. Let me know if you would like an invite to pin on the board.
Follow Wander Mum’s board City Tripping on Pinterest.
What Is City Tripping?
City Tripping is the place to come and link up your city-related travel posts. We want to find out the best of things to do and see in the city, any city in the world, whether you are travelling as a family, a couple or with friends or it’s your home turf. It could be a day out, a review of an attraction, long weekend or sharing your best insider info and hidden gems – as long as it is city-related travel.
How To Join In
– Link up one post – old or new. This week it is over with Cathy at MummyTravels
– Please add the City Tripping badge to the bottom of the post or link back to either or Wan
– Posts must be about your travel experiences in a city – any city, from reviews of days out to longer breaks.
– Please share the linky love and comment on the two hosts’ linked posts and at least two others which take your fancy, using #citytripping so everyone knows where you’re visiting from
– Every week we will give a mention to the blogger who has commented on the most posts linked up to City Tripping
– Tweet us your links @wander_mum and @
– We’ll be sharing your posts elsewhere on social media – we’d love it if you wanted to follow us there too: Wander Mum (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram
– The City Tripping linky will go live every Tuesday morning until 23.55pm on Thursday and will alternate between MummyTravels and myself. We’ll be sharing our favourites every week too.

happy birthday!
Tanja (the Red phone box travels) recently posted…Discover Croatia: Ozalj Castle
Thank you so much Tanja!
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a good one! 🙂
Lolo recently posted…The 13 Fabulous Birthday Gifts for the Lady Traveler
Thank you!
Wow, thank you so much for mentioning me among your faves. Considering the bloggers who take part, that’s a very high honour indeed. Popping over to take part in this week’s linky now!
Jennifer Howze recently posted…Review: Jumping in the trees with Windermere Treetop Nets
You’re welcome! Really enjoyed your post – has given me lots of inspiration. Thanks for being a part of #citytripping
Thanks so much for featuring my post on One World Observatory!
Corey with fifi + hop recently posted…Iceland: A Family Vacation
You are welcome. It was really interesting. Thanks.