It’s funny how a few weeks ago I was slightly oblivious to exactly when the school holidays were happening. With our daughter now at school, they have suddenly taken on a greater significance for us. It means no school, a four year old to entertain and the only opportunity we have to go away. So, it’s holiday time! We’re very much looking forward to a few days in Portugal and hoping the temperatures stay as predicted – 24 degrees would be perfect, thank you very much!
The weather appears to be turning here in the UK but not before we managed to enjoy a sunny autumnal weekend outdoors where we had a family photoshoot. Splento, the ‘Uber for photographers’ took some gorgeous pictures for us. It’s a fab concept and we had a great day. Look out for my review of the service in the next week.
Onto this week’s City Tripping, the place to come and link up your city-related posts. We’ve reached week 50 of the linky this week – which means that in two weeks‘ time, the City Tripping travel linky will be celebrating its 1st birthday. I don’t want to let any cats out of bags but we’re hoping to have a little surprise if you check back.
This week I am sharing more about my short trip to Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg. Cathy at MummyTravels is on hosting duties this week. You can link up here. Our favourites last week were.
Diary of a Tourist – Visit To Vancouver
Tracy’s Travels in Time – My Top 10 New York City
Cultural Wednesday – Opus Anglicanum
As well as sharing and commenting on your posts, we will also be pinning them on our City Tripping Pinterest board so if you need any more city inspiration, be sure to check it out and follow our Pinterest board featuring past posts. Let me know if you would like an invite to pin on the board.
Follow Wander Mum’s board City Tripping on Pinterest.
What Is City Tripping?
City Tripping is the place to come and link up your city-related travel posts. We want to find out the best of things to do and see in the city, any city in the world, whether you are travelling as a family, a couple or with friends or it’s your home turf. It could be a day out, a review of an attraction, long weekend or sharing your best insider info and hidden gems – as long as it is city-related travel.
How To Join In
– Link up one post – old or new. This week it is over with Cathy at MummyTravels
– Please add the City Tripping badge to the bottom of the post or link back to either or Wan
– Posts must be about your travel experiences in a city – any city, from reviews of days out to longer breaks.
– Please share the linky love and comment on the two hosts’ linked posts and at least two others which take your fancy, using #citytripping so everyone knows where you’re visiting from
– Every week we will give a mention to the blogger who has commented on the most posts linked up to City Tripping
– Tweet us your links @wander_mum and @
– We’ll be sharing your posts elsewhere on social media – we’d love it if you wanted to follow us there too: Wander Mum (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram
– The City Tripping linky will go live every Tuesday morning until 23.55pm on Thursday and will alternate between MummyTravels and myself. We’ll be sharing our favourites every week too.

that’s such a nice natural family photo:)
Tanja (the Red phone box travels) recently posted…That time I had Sacher cake in Vienna…..
Thank you Tanja! I was really happy with it!
Thank you! Looking forward to your birthday surprise!
Catherine’s Cultural Wednesdays recently posted…HOLLY BERRIES
You’re welcome. Haha – hope you like it.
Thanks so much for shout out. Looking forward to the Birthday surprise!
Upeksha recently posted…Day in Jasper National Park – Miette Hot Springs, Medicine Lake and Maligne Lake
You are welcome.