We’ve had the summer solstice and suddenly we are in July with the school summer holidays looming. Mrs T will soon wrap up her first year at school and then we have six weeks of summer. Hurrah! What shall we do though? Like many other parents, I am keen to get some inspiration for UK day trips, if they have a smattering of education then all the better. I have answered some of my own questions in my latest post. It’s about literary-inspired day trips you can take from London – for kids and big kids alike. I am linking it to this week’s City Tripping – hope you enjoy! Looking forward to reading your city posts.
Here are Cathy’s favourites from last week.
Off the radar city: Sarajevo – California Globetrotter
Exploring California: From Sand to Sea – Hilary Style Me
Street art in 5 undiscovered cities of Portugal – Mooiste Stedentrips
A day in Bangkok with young children – Travelynn Family
You can link up your city-related posts below. Please share the linky love with comments using the #citytripping tag if you can. Here’s how the City Tripping linky works…
Follow Wander Mum’s board City Tripping on Pinterest.
What Is City Tripping?
City Tripping is the place to come and link up your city-related travel posts. We want to find out the best of things to do and see in the city, any city in the world, whether you are travelling as a family, a couple or with friends or it’s your home turf. It could be a day out, a review of an attraction, long weekend or sharing your best insider info and hidden gems – as long as it is city-related travel.
How To Join In
– Link up one post – old or new.
– Please add the City Tripping badge to the bottom of the post or link back to either Mummytravels.com or Wan
– Posts must be about your travel experiences in a city – any city, from reviews of days out to longer breaks.
– Please share the linky love and comment on the host’s linked post and at least two others which take your fancy, using #citytripping so everyone knows where you’re visiting from
– Tweet us your links @wander_mum and @
– We’ll be sharing your posts elsewhere on social media – we’d love it if you wanted to follow us there too: Wander Mum (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram
– The City Tripping linky will go live every Tuesday morning until 23.55pm on Thursday and will alternate between MummyTravels and myself. We’ll be sharing our favourites every week too.

So glad that you ladies enjoyed my Sarajevo post! 🙂 xx
Lolo recently posted…An Introduction to Kotor, Montenegro
Wow! Thank you so much for the shoutout from last week’s link up!
Hilary recently posted…Brides & Wedding Traditions From Around the World
You’re welcome! X
Thanks for selecting us as a favourite last week Cathy 🙂