Going To The Pub: Why Mrs T Loves It

We finally decided to get out of the house on Saturday. We had spent the day unpacking boxes and trying to sort the kitchen out (fun!). Mrs T had been a bit whiny and grouchy the whole day despite rather enjoying the Grand National with Daddy – it even looked like she was copying the jockeys.


So, it was time to get out. Time to fully emerge from this hibernation. Time for a pint (or G&T).

As SOON as we put her in her pram, her whole mood changed. She could not have been HAPPIER to get out after we’d been lying low for three days feeling ill.

You see, Mrs T is just not used to being at home all the time so must have been getting cabin fever – especially as she had just spent the weekend in Amsterdam getting lots of attention.

I can imagine that as she was sitting in her pram, waiting for us to get out the door, she was thinking something along these lines.

“Thank goodness I’m getting out of this joint. Am sick of just looking at these two jokers. I’m a social animal – I need to get out of this place and SEE people, go different places.”

Well, Mrs T I’m listening! I promise I won’t deny you your social time again. Normal life will be resumed.

There is certainly a lesson to be learnt here. Children LIKE going out, getting some fresh air and exposing their eyes to different scenes. It isn’t good for them to be stuck in all the time (unless they are really ill and need calm and rest).

Parents! I don’t think we should ever feel too guilty for taking them with us to the pub (as long as you aren’t boozing too much and they aren’t either), hanging out with friends, or going shopping etc. They thrive on it. Look how happy Mrs T was down the pub. She just came alive! They really do need to get out and about. Go forth and make a date with your little ones!



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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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