Have a look at the photograph of my daughter, she looks the cutest little thing, right? Well, on the whole, she is. Those who meet her always find her utterly charming: she skips along with Duracell-like energy, makes strangers laugh and comes up with hilarious comments that only toddlers could possibly say. When we were on holiday recently, one of the staff at our hotel commented on her having ‘really good humour’ after she did her  impression of a monkey to him. What a lovely thing to say. It pretty much sums her up. However, in recent weeks she has been displaying some less than lady like qualities which I just had to record and put out there because, surely, she can’t be the only one?
1. Picking her bogies and eating them
I thought only school-aged boys did this? Since having her recent cold (one of many she picks up from nursery), she has taken to picking the dry ones from out of her nose and eating them THEN laughing about it when we tell her not to do it. There is no stopping her. Â I suppose it’s hardly surprising seeing as I often spy my husband pick his nose. Admittedly, they are not eaten but I’m obviously blaming him for being a bad influence.

2. Eating sand
This came to our attention on our recent holiday to Dubai and Oman. Â We had just got back to our room from the beach. She took off her shoes. I hear her murmuring something about sand. The next thing I know she is LICKINGÂ the sand off the soles of her feet! With great pleasure. Again, she is thinking this is pretty hilarious! No, no, no that is just pretty gross and weird, right? Another time I caught her, very happily, shoving sand into her mouth.

3. Dropping food on the floor and eating it.
Now, this isn’t new, it’s pretty much a constant. My husband is also partial to doing this (three second rule all that) so no hope for my daughter. Even when I tell her not to, she does it. Again, she finds it funny. I’m beginning to care less and less…

4. Farting
When my daughter was born I was pretty shocked at how much wind came out of her! No one told me babies did THIS. I had no idea. My husband and I would be lying in bed and I would suddenly hear this tiny little baby let one rip in her sleep. It certainly made us giggle. Now she’s a bit older, they aren’t as frequent, but still happen. She used to tell us she’d done a “poo poo” but is beginning to realise that is not quite right. We do make a bit of a joke of it and she obviously thinks it’s hilarious, telling me, “It’s funny mummy”. I laugh along but at what age does it start becoming unacceptable? When they go to school? If she’s anything like her father, this could be an ongoing issue.

5. Slurping her soup
In Japan the louder the slurp of Ramen (noodle soup), the better. It indicates the dish is extremely tasty and well received. Clearly my daughter must greatly appreciate the soup she has (not usually my handiwork I’m afraid). It’s usually a pick-the-bowl-up and drink it rather than using a spoon. The same goes for the milk left after she’s eaten her cereal. Slurp, slurp slurp. Again, when does this stop being cute and start looking a bit uncouth?
Those are just some of the bad habits my daughter has developed. Do they sound normal to you? Should I be worried? What bad habits do your little ones have. Would love to know your experiences. Just comment below – and check back later as I will always reply.

oooooh yes your daughter is not the only one. My girl drinks her milk from her bowl and she squeezes hard to fart, grinning. She does say pardon me but still. She also eats food from the floor, drinks bath water, eats bubbles…toddlers are just WEIRD!!! Great post and made me smile!! Thanks so much for linking up to #bestandworst and hope to see you next week! xxx
Sarah Howe (@RunJumpScrap) recently posted…Best and Worst Week #2
Thanks for hosting #bestandworst Sarah. They are funny. Bath water – YES! She does that too – and thinks it’s funny when I try and stop her. And there’s the burping too. Guess they are testing the boundaries and all. Got to love them. So glad I made you chuckle x
I am sorry to say that my 7 year old still demonstrates many of these bad habits – especially the farting!! Fingers crossed your daughter loses some of the more unpleasant habits soon! #bestandworst
Haha.. Here’s hoping! Xx
Haha, lovely post! The farting is truly incredible isn’t it? I had no idea, and I love that when they’re toddlers they just do it without even thinking about it and you’re sat there thinking, ‘excuse me!’. She is so cute, I bet she gets away with anything! #bestandworst
Kaye recently posted…Toddlers’ Day Out – Longleat Safari Park
Ahh thanks – yes she does manage to get away with a lot! I just couldn’t get over the farting. Sleepless nights I was prepared for but no one told me about the wind!! Xx
This made me smile! I can totally agree with all of these, most recently the sand one, my son also likes to lick sand from his shoes. Odd! I also found him eating a snail the other day (bleurgh). Thanks for linking up a great post to #bestandworst and hope to see you again next week!
Helen X
Helen Gandy recently posted…Alfie Turns 3!!!
Phew! I’m glad mine isn’t the only one… I can’t believe the snails thing is true.. amazing but totally gross! Clearly the sand situation is pretty common too. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst xx
hahaha I know you shouldn’t laugh but it is so funny what they start to do as habit.
My daughter is one & my partner drew attention to her farting the other day & made it into a funny big deal.
I had to tell him off because I didn’t want her to be a comic farter. She’s now picking up what’s acceptable & whats not.
I know that you can’t stop the habits that they pick up & that they do go through fazes where they won’t listen or understand what they’re doing is bad. But at least you have something embarrassing to tell them on their 18th! 😀 xxx
It is SO funny what they do and I’m glad Mrs T isn’t the only one. You are right, I have plenty of material building up which I have forever recorded on the Internet…she’s going to love me… Xx
Nose picker and (very loud) farter here too!Nothing like her brothers x #PoCoLo
Haha! Blame the boys x
Picking nose and eating it too! My son is so like this! He is not like this before but I think its one of the things that he learned from school =P
Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) recently posted…Millennium Square
Eek – am sure I’ll be adding to this list when she goes to school x
admin recently posted…5 Bad Habits My Toddler Daughter Has Adopted
My daughter has just turned 2 & is also very windy. Daddy taught her to say ‘fart’ (can’t imagine why he thought that was a good idea – it wasn’t), but she also often gets confused and says she has done a poo when she hasn’t! #PoCoLo
Silly Mummy recently posted…Jam
Oh no! Bet you love your partner for that one! Glad mine isn’t the only one. xx
admin recently posted…5 Bad Habits My Toddler Daughter Has Adopted
My son isn’t old enough yet to have developed any of these bad habits – but the farts!! I didn’t know that such small babies could make such a loud noise!! xx
Chantal Milk&Nappies recently posted…5 Things I’d Tell New Parents
I know! It’s bonkers! I can’t believe nobody tells you about that! X
Haha! So like your Daddy Ambs! Never seen you do any of these things Whizz! Millie is partial to the ole finger up the nose & eating it (so disgusting) & drinking bath water but finally turned to corner on that one.
Hey!!! Haha – we had the bath water too for a while. They just think it’s hilarious. Yep, am totally blaming Cal for all of these. Can’t wait to see you guys next month
They sound normal to me! I can imagine my son doing a fair few of these when he’s older xx
Catriona recently posted…Weekend Baby Style #6
Ha ha – be prepared! Xx
Loved this. Can emphasise with Number 3 and 4!! #PoCoLo
Thank you! Yep, they are neverending. x
admin recently posted…5 Bad Habits My Toddler Daughter Has Adopted
It sounds like your daughter is great fun to be around. While there are some habits my 3 year old son has that I’d probably rather he didn’t do if the queen came to tea, he makes up for it by displaying them in an endearing way
Ah, thanks. She is great to be around. Ah, I bet your son does – they can pretty much get away with most things if they do it with a smile and a chuckle. x
admin recently posted…5 Bad Habits My Toddler Daughter Has Adopted
Oh yes Baby is two and has starting picking her nose and eating it, laughing at her ‘tumps’ (farts!) and generally acting like a 10 year old boy! She is def not the only one! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x
You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…Get Your Vlog On – Guest Post by Mr & Mrs T Plus Three
Haha – they are funny things. Thanks for hosting #thelist x
haha my one does the nose picking and farting too. He thinks it is hilarious. #thelist
Janine recently posted…Mummy & Me – May
They really do. My daughter can’t stop laughing about it all x
Why oh why do they eat bogies? I just will never understand why they think it is a good idea!! My oldest does it and it makes me gag!! #TheList
Katy (What Katy Said) recently posted…Do You Believe In Fairies?
Neither do I. It’s so disgusting x
It looks like you’ve got quite the little tomboy on your hands! She sounds hilarious. You do realise in years to come she is going to curse you for posting this right? lol #bigfatlinky
Random Musings recently posted…The Serial Husband – A Short Story
I know! She’s totally going to hate me! Hopefully she will still have her ‘good humour’ then! xxx
Haha I shouldn’t laugh but it’s so funny what habits they do. With boys they seemed to carry them on for longer! Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week
martyn recently posted…Review – Baker Days – Letterbox Cake
It is funny! Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky xx