Last year, we embarked on a six-stop trip from London to South East Asia and back with our 19 month old daughter. Many looked at us a little aghast when we told them our plans. But honestly, it really wasn’t that bad. So don’t be put off. As with any trip, a bit of planning goes a long way.
Now, I’ll be honest with you. Wander dad takes on a lot of the organising. He likes doing it. so who am I to stand in his way? There have been a couple of occasions when I had to intervene – like a four hour wait for a connecting flight – that had to go. But, he usually gets it spot on (and he’ll be feeling very smug that I have publicly said so)!
Here are 12 tips for planning and executing a successful multi-stop trip.
1. Booking – As you would do with any trip, always shop around to get the best deal. Make sure you check out my top tips for booking a holiday. In our experience, when flying east, the middle-eastern airlines tend to have the most competitive prices for multi-leg trips (we flew Emirates).

2. Research – Make sure you are clued up and know what to expect in each country. We ended up going to countries we had already been to before (post kids) so we knew they were good for children with no vaccinations or anything required. But if you haven’t, check out all those brilliant travel blogs out there and find out their experiences. Someone is bound to have gone!
3. If you don’t have children of school age – go off peak and avoid busy periods which are more expensive.
4. If you follow tip number 3 and go out of OUR peak season, make sure you aren’t travelling into monsoon or hurricane season or a particularly hot period at your destination. To get better deals we usually book just before the destination comes into its peak season (when prices go up). You do take a punt with the weather, and the west coast of Malaysia was pretty humid when we went in March, but it does pay off.
5. Book hotels in advance and check they are child friendly, for example if they have a cot provided (so you don’t have to take one) and high chairs. Staying places that have a children’s menu is also a bonus.
6. Flight times – Avoid flights which see you getting in at ridiculous hours as much as possible. We had one leaving Singapore which was unavoidable – getting us into Dubai in the early hours of the morning – it was a bit tough on us, let alone our daughter.
7. Stop offs can be great – especially if you are staying a night or two but avoid if you are simply waiting around the airport for four or five hours. Children, particularly toddlers, are not known for their patience (neither is my husband)!
8. Consider booking into an airport hotel (or cheap one nearby) instead. We found it worked for us to have a slightly longer turn around on our connecting flight and book into an airport hotel to catch up on sleep (particularly good if you have a day flight). With the one at Dubai, you don’t even have to collect your baggage. We had a 12 hour stopover between Dubai and KL which we used to get some food and sleep for the night in a comfy bed. It also helped us to adjust our body clocks.
9. Adventure – Don’t think of travel, flights, transfers as a chore. For little children it is this part which can be the most exciting, so harness that and play on it. But also make sure you are stocked up with their favourite toys and have some TV shows they enjoy downloaded on electronic devices. Our daughter loves playing with her Trunki and on the travellators at airports and thoroughly enjoy the whole airport experience.
10. Before you book your flight, check for any big sporting events or festivals at the places you are staying and unless you are going yourself, avoid. On our return leg, we landed in Dubai during Gold Cup weekend. Hotel rates has been hiked up and the place was extremely busy (and not very relaxing).
11. Tie in a short visit to see friends/relatives if possible. What better way to see a place than getting a personal tour guide and when you are travelling from place to place can be a relief to see a familiar face. We didn’t stay with our friend in Singapore but she wasn’t far away. We also cheekily used the opportunity to get some much needed laundry done. Thanks Gen and family!
12. On the subject of laundry – Take a travel wash with you to hand wash delicates and smaller items. Consider using a laundry service. When I was in Chicago I discovered a great valet laundry company. I set it up all up online and it had a same day service. They picked it up and dropped it back, all neatly folded. If you aren’t in the city for long, research and book in advance. It cost around £30 for two weeks of washing. Far cheaper than using hotel laundry service and buying loads of new clothes (although it’s a good excuse to go shopping).
Those are just a few of my tips if you are travelling to several different places with children. I hope you have found then helpful. Here are some other posts you may also find useful.
11 Tips For Booking Holidays
23 Tips For Flying With Young Children
Summer Holiday Packing Check List
5 Tips For Travelling Long Haul With Children
As ever, I love getting comments. Please tell me about your experiences or reservations about travel. Have you got any other tips for travelling long-haul or to multi-stop destinations which you’d like to share?
Wow, I take my hat off to you, that is seriously brave! The most stops I’ve done with the babes has at least been in the same country i.e. flying to Nice and then ferry to Corsica, or flying to Abuja then Lagos in Nigeria. Those were stressful enough, but I guess once you have that positive attitude and you’re ready to cope with whatever hiccups along the way as all part of the adventure, then this is immensely doable. Great tips, bookmarked for future reference x
Babes about Town recently posted…WWE RAW London: Babes Night Out
I think you are brave to consider it, even if it wasn’t as tough as we all imagine, travelling anywhere with a little one can be a strain.
Ashley Beolens recently posted…Booking Fees a Rant
Hi Ashley, yes it definitely can be and they do have their moments… Like refusing to sleep on plane with they are clearly need to. It’s all worth it though & bad times are only a fraction of what is a great holiday! X
This post has just given me the courage to try a trip to the east with my family. We have just come back from a road trip in the US and I was nodding along to most of the points you mention here, especially the one about events and festivals which is something I’ve always just put at the back of my mind. #PoCoLo
Kgomotso recently posted…Neo’s style – sunny in California
Yay! Do it! So glad it has helped. I would really love to do a U.S. road trip so will check out your blog for inspiration. Thanks for stopping by xx
Thank you so much! I love travelling so she was just going to have to go along with it. Fortunately she’s a fan too. Sounds like you’ve done a fair bit of travelling already with the babes. They really are quite adaptable. Go on, do it!
So brave and inspiring too, we love to travel but never easy with little ones. Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts
HonestMum recently posted…5 Blogging Rules to Break
Thank you! It’s definitely not always easy to travel with children – but it’s so worth it in the end. xx
Great tips – anything is possible with some careful planning and research #bigfatlinky
Mummy Fever recently posted…Dealing with hay fever
You are totally right! Xx
Wow you guys are brave!
I think it’ll be a while before we try something so ambitious but I’m off to read your posts on long haul flying with kids as we’re planning to fly from dublin-seattle with a 11/14 month old (not booked yet)
Hannah recently posted…Declaring War on Stretch Marks
Fabulous! Enjoy reading – hope it will all help Hannah. Have an amazing trip!! X
Your little girl is so cute – lovely photos! These are great tips; we are going to Spain and Portugal in August for a month for our ‘honeymoon’, and I know some bits will be really hard but I really can’t wait for us to share the experience together. I love what you say about thinking about the travelling bits as an adventure – it’s totally true; it’s not a horrible thing for little one’s and it will likely be much better for us if we don’t think of it that way either 🙂 xx #PoCoLo
Exactly Louise – girl after my own heart! They really love the adventure and helps you feel less stressed too. Going on holiday is blooming exciting! Have a fantastic honeymoon – it’ll be great going exploring together. And thanks for the compliment to my daughter. I think so too! Xx
Great post. You have some really good suggestions. Your daughter is too adorable in her sunglasses!! #TheList
Thank you Becky, so kind! Xx
I’m sorry to say that I read the beginning and did the stereotypical “are they mad” probably like most people would have. But the more I read on the more I changed my views. There’s some great tips here and it shows that careful planning can make this possible. Especially with a little one. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky
martyn recently posted…The Disney Tag
Haha! Glad I changed your mind Martyn! Planning is soon important (thank goodness I have a hubby who is super organised). Thanks for hosting #bigfatlinky x
Wow I am very impressed at you managing to do that kind of a trip with a little one in tow! We’ve done a few road trips but never flown with little ones (my eldest is unable to fly due to her heart condition anyway). Love your tips – sound like they would be very helpful for planning a big trip abroad.
Louise recently posted…From the mouths of babes #17
Thanks Louise!! Will your little one be about to fly in the future? Xxx
This is what I call an excelent and documented article! Great work!
Sinziana recently posted…The Food of the Gods
Thanks so much Sinziana! Appreciate it. X
I LOVE that selfie with your friends, totally awesome! Some great tips, you’re so brave. We haven’t even managed long haul yet, never mind multi stops! Food for thought 🙂 Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx
Hannah Mums’ Days recently posted…The List 34 – conference week
Thanks Hannah. I love that selfie too – brings back great memories (and really missing them all). Still pretty of time to take on the whole long haul thing… Xx
Hi Joanna, that IS a long day! We are fortunate to live close to an airport. Makes a big difference. Thanks for stopping by. X
A valet laundry company sounds like a brilliant idea. I think doing laundery, especially washing denim in a bathtub, has to be one of my least favorite chores of travel. I agree that you should definitely check up on why it’s low season somewhere. I thought I was brilliant booking Phuket when the hotels were cheap. It turns out that it was monsoon season, and all the beaches had red flag warnings.
Michele {Malaysian Meanders} recently posted…Springtime Blooms at Wildseed Farms
Haha- laundry is SUCH a chore – not what you want on holiday! Oh no, can’t believe you hit Monsoon season! Rubbish. It throws you a bit because every region had different monsoon times. We’ve caught the back end of Monsoon in Thailand too… Got a good deal but it was a bit damp. Hope the weather wasn’t too bad for you. X