London isn’t just a great city to live in. It’s a great city. Full stop.…
The Very Hungry Caterpillar was one of my favourite books when I was a child…

The past year has seen us embark on three road trips taking us to to France, Italy and Sweden. Two of those were with our four-year-old daughter AND a tiny baby. Yes, we…
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us, happy birthday… City Tripping. Happy birthday to…
Sri Lanka has opened up hugely to tourism in the last few years and it…
Do you cringe a little at the thought of a ‘photo shoot’? If so, I…
I’ve just discovered another wonderful spot on this globe. The Algarve in Portugal. I know…
How good can museum showcasing an old ship be? That was my initial reaction to…
It’s funny how a few weeks ago I was slightly oblivious to exactly when the school holidays…
Mondays, we discovered, are not the best day to be a tourist in Gothenburg. The…
The leaves are turning red, orange and brown and drifting off the trees like snowflakes.…
It’s amazing how different a place can look visiting in different seasons. The last time…